Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Response to Charlie's First Letter

Dear Charlie,
Thank you for writing me.  I'm glad I am there for you to write to and open up, but how do you know me?  Why don't you want me to know who you are?  I just want to know about why I was chosen.  I don't understand why you prefer to divulge your thoughts and feelings to me.  I want to help but I don’t know how.

I'm sorry about Michael's death.  I can't imagine your pain, and yes, other people have it worse but that doesn't make his death less significant.  It hurts.  I'm sorry no one else understands it and that they just disregard your problems.  There is nothing worse than not knowing why after someone commits suicide.  I can’t imagine your pain. 

Do you have a good relationship with your family?   I ask is because maybe you can talk to them too.  Tell me more about your family.  I don't want to overstep but I want you to tell me more about your dad.  Does he get mad at you a lot and hit you?  If he does, tell somebody.  I know he says other people have it worse than you, but you shouldn't have to deal with it.  A dad is supposed to protect you, not harm you.  You shouldn't have to be afraid of him.  To you, this may be okay but I promise you it's not.  What about your mom and sister and brother?   Do they know?  Can they help, or is everyone under his control?  I apologize for asking but I want to help you.

         Charlie I want you to know I am here for you to talk to.  I don't know if my advice is right, but I do want to be someone you can write to and trust.
Here for you always,

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, I liked how you asked series of questions to Charlie; it showed your personal writing style, and I found it very unique! Your emphasis on pain about Michael's death was really helpful because Charlie does keep his emotions bottled up and mentioning that was a good piece of advice. Your persona in this letter was not authoritative, yet a friend trying to help which is what Charlie needs.
